Torrevieja is Now Europe's First "Crypto-Friendly" City
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Torrevieja is Now Europe's First
10 Jun 2024

Torrevieja is Now Europe's First "Crypto-Friendly" City

The project developed by APYMECO Torrevieja over several years has made it possible for businesses in Torrevieja to accept cryptocurrencies.

With the support of Bitnovo Pay, APYMECO has fulfilled its promise to make Torrevieja Europe's first "crypto-friendly" city before summer 2024.

More than 30 businesses already accept payments in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Jorge Almarcha, president of APYMECO, highlighted the great interest from businesses and hospitality, thanking the support of the City Council. The second phase will extend this option to all local establishments.

New Adoption Phase with Bitnovo Pay

In the next stage, APYMECO will collaborate with Capital Crypto, which has assisted businesses in the onboarding process. Alongside the Torrevieja City Council, the possibility of paying with cryptocurrencies will be advertised throughout the city. Signs will be placed in establishments, and a web directory at will list businesses accepting cryptocurrency payments.

Expansion in the Province of Alicante

The success of this digital transformation, unprecedented in Europe, has sparked interest from other municipalities, especially in Vega Baja and the province of Alicante. Soon, the APYMECO Torrevieja project will be replicated in many other municipalities in the province.

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